MODARTT : MOdels and Data for ARTs and Technology
MODARTT is a company that develops and provides software and consulting services for artistic and technological applications. MODARTT also supports the KIViR project (Keyboard Instruments Virtual Restoration), offering digital restorations and copies of historical keyboard music instruments present in museums.

The PIANOTEQ model (patent No. US 7,915,515 B2) has been developed in the prestigious Institute of Mathematics of Toulouse, at INSA, Toulouse, France. It simulates acoustic pianos (from historical to contemporary), electric pianos and chromatic percussions. It is an innovating tool for music creation. It can be useful to music teachers by providing a deeper insight in the piano mechanism, and also to piano manufacturers and piano tuners for simulation and training purposes. MODARTT is open to partnerships for adapting PIANOTEQ to other devices or applications.

PIANOTEQ was created in 2006. The idea of piano modelling was not new, but no relevant solution had been found until that time. PIANOTEQ is the very first piano where the sound is computed via a detailed physical model involving the hammers, the strings and the soundboard. It is thus the first truly modelled piano.